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Urban Turban
Ann works as a marketing manager at a business college. Her boss Gary learns the college financials is in the red and all his hard work is going down the tube. Gary confides in Ann that if things don't turn around, everyone at the college will lose their jobs. In a desperate attempt to raise student numbers, Ann comes across evidence that someone is deliberately stealing new recruits from the college. Working with Gary and Polly, the trio try to track down the traitor in their midst. Even if they find the traitor, it's still back to scratch to build the college up again. Ann meets Monty, a sweet Indian boy who comes from a strict Sikh family. After a few dates,
Genres: Watch Hindi Movies
Actors: Amit Sharma, Anish Kumar Bhalla, Kassie Watson, Rishi Deepak, Sarah Kate Walden, Susana Tuya Sarmiento
Director: Devesh Singh
Country: New Zealand